The FAQ section clarifies common queries about the Timechain Summer
of Code Program for potential participants.

What is the Timechain Summer of Code program?

Timechain Summer of Code is a 90-day open source program where contributors selected will develop BSV projects for Timechain Labs and Partner Organizations.

What are the eligibility requirements for participation?

Each participant needs to have Javascript proficiency, should have contributed to open source projects, and have a basic understanding of blockchain development.

Any age limit for participation?

No, there is no age limit for participation in TSOC. It is open for all. We are accepting applications from beginners and seasoned developers.

How can I improve my chances of being selected as a TSoC contributor?

Start by fortifying your basic Web2 development skills. Once your foundation is strong, understand the development ecosystem for Bitcoin SV by contributing to BSV projects on GitHub.

How much time in a day do I need to give for TSoC?

There isn’t any fixed time constraint for the contributors in the program. You can dedicate as much time as it takes to solve bugs, add new features, and develop blockchain projects.

How will contributors communicate with mentors and project maintainers?

All communication will happen on the corresponding channel for the particular project in the official TSOC Discord server.

Which programming languages do I need to be fluent in?

To participate in Timechain Summer of Code, you should be fluent in Javascript.

Can I work on more than one project?

No, we believe every project is unique and needs the focused attention of the developers contributing to it. Thus, a contributor selected at TSOC will contribute only to one project.

What's the minimum contribution to be recognized for completing the program?

You need to be active throughout the program. We will have a points system to measure your contribution, and these will be reflected on the leaderboard.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the TSoC?

Yes, all the participants who complete the minimum criteria for completing the program will receive a NFT certificate of participation after the program concludes.

Is there any registration fee?

No, there are no registration fees for participation. It is absolutely free of cost.

Do you provide any stipend or goodies?

No, our program is supported by fewer organizations to distribute stipends to all the participants. But we will provide swags and campus ambassador opportunities to the top performers.

By what time will the result come?

The results will be declared in the last week of August

What if I have a question not answered in this FAQ?

You can reach out to our Program Manager at rebecca.falcao@timechainlabs.io

Can I participate in TSoC as a mentor and a TSoC Contributor?

We have specific roles for contributors and mentors. Contributors are developers who work on projects for Timechain Labs and partners. Mentors have prior experience with Bitcoin SV and know the projects well.

Apply now to join us for an
unforgettable summer!

Apply now to join us for an unforgettable summer!

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